Game in Hyper Fox Studios Archive

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While i was in school i made some dumb concepts for Carlos Duty bosses that i may add, here's two of them digitalized

I'm almost done with the Omegatroller bossfight, and it's actually hard, didn't you think you could just cheese everything in the game with ultra op weapons, didn't you?


Testing movement patterns

Okay so, first boss concept

Ik i've not been very active here lately, but i think i may go back to the game, i promise i'll get you guys more content soon!

aww he's shy

- Dragons Select Screen -

Choose Your Dragons 🐉

"Welcome to this River Valley"

"A War Between Tribes & Unknown Creatures"

River Valley

Live Streaming Playing Little NIghtmares 2 Right now!

Update: This game have to get delayed, To make sure there is a good amount of Content.